The Magic of Gluten-Free Cooking
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Discover how a healthy, gluten-free diet can transform your health with these easy, scrumptious, home-cooked recipes
Ever since humans started farming, one particular type of grain – consisting of the wheat, barley, and rye varieties – rose to high prominence.
Oh yes, bread… bread of all kinds, shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors.
You can’t outrun this culinary staple, for it haunts every kitchen, cuisine, restaurant, fast-food chain, and roadside stand, lurking in bread doughs.
You can also find it plaguing your small intestines in the form of gluten.
Normally, this protein is not that big of a deal, but when you have gluten intolerance, it can wreak havoc in your body by:
- Making you double over with unbearable pain
- Giving you bloating, with its accompanying problems of constipation or diarrhea
- Triggering skin rashes, headaches, nausea, and unintentional weight loss
And if you have celiac disease – in which your small intestine is hypersensitive to gluten – consuming such foods can reduce your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
Sadly, modern science does not have an answer to what causes gluten-intolerances, but that doesn’t mean there is no way to dodge this pesky protein.
Not only can you make food WITHOUT having to rely on anything wheat or gluten-related, but you can also make it so delicious, you will have a hard time keeping yourself from second and third helpings.
Within this magical ride to gluten-free cooking, you will discover:
- 20 easy-to-prepare recipes to enjoy an enhanced and energetic lifestyle
- Detailed ingredient lists and clear instructions with added suggestions and dairy-free options
- The gluten-free way to start every day – breakfasts so good, you’ll never say never!
- How each home-cooked meal is a doorway to better digestive health, mood, and focus: a gluten-free mind and body leads to a disease-free life
- Fulfilling lunches to make easy yet exquisite meals – grab your herbs, veggies, shrimp, chicken, and pasta to whip marvels that make your tastebuds do the tango!
- Mouth-watering dinners you simply cannot do without!
- How to maximize the benefits of anti-inflammatory herbs and spices to make your dishes aromatic, delicious, and healing
And much more.
Adopting a gluten-free diet is your ticket to a new way of living – you’ll feel like you’ve been born again from within.
Mix it up with your favorites, add a dash of your chosen spices, put on your preferred playlist, and cook to your heart’s content.
You’re creating magic with each recipe, after all.
And who doesn’t want to eat healthily without having to sacrifice any taste?